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J.G. Holland Quotes

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J.G. Holland Quotes: "I look into your great brown eyes, where love and loyal homage shine, and wonder where the difference lies between your soul and mine!."

I look into your great brown eyes, where love and loyal homage shine, and wonder where the difference lies between your soul and mine!.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Almost everywhere men have become the particular things which their particular work has made them."

Almost everywhere men have become the particular things which their particular work has made them.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Wants keep pace with wealth always."

Wants keep pace with wealth always.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Of all the scamps society knows, the traditional good fellow is the most despicable."

Of all the scamps society knows, the traditional good fellow is the most despicable.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Who never walks save where he sees men's tracks makes no discoveries."

Who never walks save where he sees men's tracks makes no discoveries.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The theological systems of men and schools of men are determined always by the character of their ideal of Christ, the central fact of the Christian system."

The theological systems of men and schools of men are determined always by the character of their ideal of Christ, the central fact of the Christian system.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "A man who feels that his religion is a slavery has not begun to comprehend the real nature of religion."

A man who feels that his religion is a slavery has not begun to comprehend the real nature of religion.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "A noble deed is a step towards heaven."

A noble deed is a step towards heaven.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "A mind grows by what it feeds on."

A mind grows by what it feeds on.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Everything good in a man thrives best when properly recognized."

Everything good in a man thrives best when properly recognized.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Events do not really have beginnings or ends. Behind every event is the previous one, causing, or helping to cause, what follows."

Events do not really have beginnings or ends. Behind every event is the previous one, causing, or helping to cause, what follows.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "You're as sick as your secrets."

You're as sick as your secrets.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Very few people have no opinions about cats."

Very few people have no opinions about cats.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Life, after we'd had a few millennia to observe it, turned out to be dreadfully unfair, so we invented sports."

Life, after we'd had a few millennia to observe it, turned out to be dreadfully unfair, so we invented sports.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I've had a long life and a lot of relationships and not one of them do I wish - well, I take that back - there are a couple I could have done without."

I've had a long life and a lot of relationships and not one of them do I wish - well, I take that back - there are a couple I could have done without.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The only people who still read poetry are poets, and they mostly read their own."

The only people who still read poetry are poets, and they mostly read their own.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Creating art alone doesn't seem to fill us up, in my opinion, until we begin to truly communicate with it."

Creating art alone doesn't seem to fill us up, in my opinion, until we begin to truly communicate with it.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "If the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eaton, the Japanese bases in the Pacific were captured on the beaches of the Caribbean."

If the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eaton, the Japanese bases in the Pacific were captured on the beaches of the Caribbean.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "By and large, people who enjoy teaching animals to roll over will find themselves happier with a dog."

By and large, people who enjoy teaching animals to roll over will find themselves happier with a dog.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "If for a while the harder you try, the harder it gets, take heart. So it has been with the best people who ever lived. (The Inconvenient Messiah, BYU Speeches, Feb 15, 1982)"

If for a while the harder you try, the harder it gets, take heart. So it has been with the best people who ever lived. (The Inconvenient Messiah, BYU Speeches, Feb 15, 1982)

J.G. Holland Quotes: "It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines."

It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Unwrapping occurs when the "solution" is explicitly built into the program from the start."

Unwrapping occurs when the "solution" is explicitly built into the program from the start.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "If we want it, we can enjoy the joy of our fidelity to the highest and best that is within us." --sat. afternoon 4/3/10 lds general conference"

If we want it, we can enjoy the joy of our fidelity to the highest and best that is within us." --sat. afternoon 4/3/10 lds general conference

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The larger the ego, the less the need for other egos around. The more modest, humble, and self-effacing we feel, the more we suffer from solitude, feeling ourselves inadequate company."

The larger the ego, the less the need for other egos around. The more modest, humble, and self-effacing we feel, the more we suffer from solitude, feeling ourselves inadequate company.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Everything that can be invented has already been invented."

Everything that can be invented has already been invented.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "It is obvious that the bumper sticker question "What would Jesus do?" will not always bring a popular response."

It is obvious that the bumper sticker question "What would Jesus do?" will not always bring a popular response.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Without the piano my life would be a disaster - nobody would hold me in any regard. It's the thing that saved me."

Without the piano my life would be a disaster - nobody would hold me in any regard. It's the thing that saved me.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I learned from Van Morrison and BB King that the first take is the best. It's about capturing a moment. It's the same as love's first kiss. If you try to do it again, it doesn't work so well."

I learned from Van Morrison and BB King that the first take is the best. It's about capturing a moment. It's the same as love's first kiss. If you try to do it again, it doesn't work so well.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The trouble with American History is that you don't remember it, and why should you? Nobody does."

The trouble with American History is that you don't remember it, and why should you? Nobody does.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Art is by nature promotional, pushing beliefs, broadcasting status, aggrandizing personalities."

Art is by nature promotional, pushing beliefs, broadcasting status, aggrandizing personalities.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I love Mary Poppins - when I was little I was obsessed with it."

I love Mary Poppins - when I was little I was obsessed with it.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The Cuban-born Mario Algaze has a Chambian way of collapsing present and past."

The Cuban-born Mario Algaze has a Chambian way of collapsing present and past.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I believe that the internet as an open platform for distribution could be a great chance for the diversity of film production."

I believe that the internet as an open platform for distribution could be a great chance for the diversity of film production.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The internet creates chaos and a dangerous kind of piracy but makes the viewer much more active and gives the voice to minority players."

The internet creates chaos and a dangerous kind of piracy but makes the viewer much more active and gives the voice to minority players.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "You have to see through one's faults before you see their need."

You have to see through one's faults before you see their need.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The love that gushes for all is the real elixir of life - the fountain of bodily longevity. It is the lack of this that always produces the feeling of age."

The love that gushes for all is the real elixir of life - the fountain of bodily longevity. It is the lack of this that always produces the feeling of age.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "When fleeing the scene of temptation, do not leave a forwarding address."

When fleeing the scene of temptation, do not leave a forwarding address.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Near the end of his life, Henri Matisse's preferred attire was evening wear, by which I mean pajamas."

Near the end of his life, Henri Matisse's preferred attire was evening wear, by which I mean pajamas.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "A man can be a parent without knowing it: a woman cannot."

A man can be a parent without knowing it: a woman cannot.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "You can be free from everything but the consequences of what you do."

You can be free from everything but the consequences of what you do.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I always did think I would be married and settled down by now but maybe I ain't ready."

I always did think I would be married and settled down by now but maybe I ain't ready.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "nobody ever stops drinking until the cost of drinking becomes higher than the cost of not drinking."

nobody ever stops drinking until the cost of drinking becomes higher than the cost of not drinking.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "However long you have a cat and however plainly he lays his life open before you, there is always something hidden, some name he goes by in a place you never heard of."

However long you have a cat and however plainly he lays his life open before you, there is always something hidden, some name he goes by in a place you never heard of.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The Atonement of Jesus Christ is rightfully seen as the central fact, the crucial foundation, and the chief doctrine of the plan of salvation, which we are called to teach."

The Atonement of Jesus Christ is rightfully seen as the central fact, the crucial foundation, and the chief doctrine of the plan of salvation, which we are called to teach.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Perfect love holds the secret of the world's perfect liberty."

Perfect love holds the secret of the world's perfect liberty.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Working on Shakespeare and learning about Shakespeare was the big takeaway for me."

Working on Shakespeare and learning about Shakespeare was the big takeaway for me.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "I count this thing to be grandly true: That a noble deed is a step toward God-- Lifting the soul from the common clod To a purer air and a broader view."

I count this thing to be grandly true: That a noble deed is a step toward God-- Lifting the soul from the common clod To a purer air and a broader view.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "The ability of the gospel to unite us on common strengths and common truths is one of the great miracles . . . of the gospel."

The ability of the gospel to unite us on common strengths and common truths is one of the great miracles . . . of the gospel.

J.G. Holland Quotes: "Don't delay. It's getting late."

Don't delay. It's getting late.