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George Harrison Quotes

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George Harrison Quotes: "I know, by the Lord's grace, I am a small part in the cosmic play."

I know, by the Lord's grace, I am a small part in the cosmic play.

George Harrison Quotes: "Everybody is great really and has got to be great."

Everybody is great really and has got to be great.

George Harrison Quotes: "I've been the same all along. I talk when I feel like it and I shut up when I don't feel like talking."

I've been the same all along. I talk when I feel like it and I shut up when I don't feel like talking.

George Harrison Quotes: "If wed known we were going to be The Beatles wed have tried harder."

If wed known we were going to be The Beatles wed have tried harder.

George Harrison Quotes: "You go on being reincarnated until you reach the actual Truth. Heaven and Hell are just a state of mind. We are all here to become Christ-like. The actual world is an illusion."

You go on being reincarnated until you reach the actual Truth. Heaven and Hell are just a state of mind. We are all here to become Christ-like. The actual world is an illusion.

George Harrison Quotes: "If a car comes past me in a traffic jam with a boom box going, I jump out of my skin. Those big booming basses. I'm just more sensitive to noise these days."

If a car comes past me in a traffic jam with a boom box going, I jump out of my skin. Those big booming basses. I'm just more sensitive to noise these days.

George Harrison Quotes: "Now it may seem so far from where we all are It's something we can't neglect It's something I can't neglect Now won't you give some bread to get the starving fed"

Now it may seem so far from where we all are It's something we can't neglect It's something I can't neglect Now won't you give some bread to get the starving fed

George Harrison Quotes: "Hare Krishna, Peace and Love"

Hare Krishna, Peace and Love

George Harrison Quotes: "Sounds are vibrations and the more you can put into that vibration, the more you can get out, action and reaction, that's the thing to tell the people."

Sounds are vibrations and the more you can put into that vibration, the more you can get out, action and reaction, that's the thing to tell the people.

George Harrison Quotes: "The thing that pleases me the most about it is that young people like it. It's given kids from 6 to 16 an alternate view of music to what's been available for the past 20 years."

The thing that pleases me the most about it is that young people like it. It's given kids from 6 to 16 an alternate view of music to what's been available for the past 20 years.

George Harrison Quotes: "I have suffered for this book; now it's your turn."

I have suffered for this book; now it's your turn.

George Harrison Quotes: "Prayer is to vibrate, do the devotion, whatever it is, to whoever you believe in, Christ or Buddha or Krishna or any of them. You get the response depending on how much you need it."

Prayer is to vibrate, do the devotion, whatever it is, to whoever you believe in, Christ or Buddha or Krishna or any of them. You get the response depending on how much you need it.

George Harrison Quotes: "I consider myself perfectly normal, and I don't know of any part of my life that would be so unusual as to interest the idly curious."

I consider myself perfectly normal, and I don't know of any part of my life that would be so unusual as to interest the idly curious.

George Harrison Quotes: "I do believe in growing old gracefully, and when the time comes that I would look silly performing on stage, I'll be prepared to give it up without regrets."

I do believe in growing old gracefully, and when the time comes that I would look silly performing on stage, I'll be prepared to give it up without regrets.

George Harrison Quotes: "The aim is to get as much going out the back as is coming in. You've got to do that because for everything you get in you've got to give something out."

The aim is to get as much going out the back as is coming in. You've got to do that because for everything you get in you've got to give something out.

George Harrison Quotes: "When somebody does something which everybody really wants to do, then it makes everyone else try a little bit harder and strive for something better, and it's good."

When somebody does something which everybody really wants to do, then it makes everyone else try a little bit harder and strive for something better, and it's good.

George Harrison Quotes: "With most of the people you just communicate you don't have to talk."

With most of the people you just communicate you don't have to talk.

George Harrison Quotes: "We're as much influenced by everybody else as they are by us, if they are. It's just all a part of the big thing."

We're as much influenced by everybody else as they are by us, if they are. It's just all a part of the big thing.

George Harrison Quotes: "The idea that you wake up and it happens that you're Queen, it's amazing but you could all be Queens if you imagined it."

The idea that you wake up and it happens that you're Queen, it's amazing but you could all be Queens if you imagined it.

George Harrison Quotes: "It would be great if everyone chanted Hare Krishna. Everybody would benefit by doing it."

It would be great if everyone chanted Hare Krishna. Everybody would benefit by doing it.

George Harrison Quotes: "Long time ago when we were fab, back when income tax was all we had."

Long time ago when we were fab, back when income tax was all we had.

George Harrison Quotes: "You can actually see God, and Hear Him, play with Him. It might sound crazy, but He is actually there."

You can actually see God, and Hear Him, play with Him. It might sound crazy, but He is actually there.

George Harrison Quotes: "My sweet Lord, hallelujah. My, my Lord, hallelujah. My, my Lord, hare krishna."

My sweet Lord, hallelujah. My, my Lord, hallelujah. My, my Lord, hare krishna.

George Harrison Quotes: "I've got my mind set on you. But it's gonna take money, a whole lot of spending money, it's gonna take plenty of money."

I've got my mind set on you. But it's gonna take money, a whole lot of spending money, it's gonna take plenty of money.

George Harrison Quotes: "You've got as many lives as you like, and more, even ones you don't want."

You've got as many lives as you like, and more, even ones you don't want.

George Harrison Quotes: "All religions are branches of one big tree. It doesn't matter what you call Him just as long as you call."

All religions are branches of one big tree. It doesn't matter what you call Him just as long as you call.

George Harrison Quotes: "Hallelujah and Hare Krishna are quite the same thing."

Hallelujah and Hare Krishna are quite the same thing.

George Harrison Quotes: "I don't want to be like you. I look for the pure of heart, and the ones that have made a start."

I don't want to be like you. I look for the pure of heart, and the ones that have made a start.

George Harrison Quotes: "A mind that wants to wander around a corner is an un-wise mind. Now, is, be here now."

A mind that wants to wander around a corner is an un-wise mind. Now, is, be here now.

George Harrison Quotes: "I guess that's the business of devotees - to make you think of God."

I guess that's the business of devotees - to make you think of God.

George Harrison Quotes: "If God is unlimited, then He can appear in any form, whichever way He likes to appear."

If God is unlimited, then He can appear in any form, whichever way He likes to appear.

George Harrison Quotes: "I want to be successful, not famous."

I want to be successful, not famous.

George Harrison Quotes: "The greatest thing anyone can give humanity is God consciousness."

The greatest thing anyone can give humanity is God consciousness.

George Harrison Quotes: "Just take the music, the goodness, because it's the very best, and it's the part I give most willingly."

Just take the music, the goodness, because it's the very best, and it's the part I give most willingly.

George Harrison Quotes: "If I had half a chance, I'd put acid in the Government's tea."

If I had half a chance, I'd put acid in the Government's tea.

George Harrison Quotes: "Stop thinking that if Britain or America or Russia or the West or whatever becomes superior, then we'll beat them, and then we'll all have a rest and live happily ever after. That doesn't work."

Stop thinking that if Britain or America or Russia or the West or whatever becomes superior, then we'll beat them, and then we'll all have a rest and live happily ever after. That doesn't work.

George Harrison Quotes: "Man can become purified, and with divine vision he can see God. You get pure by chanting, then you see Him."

Man can become purified, and with divine vision he can see God. You get pure by chanting, then you see Him.

George Harrison Quotes: "America has everything, why should they want us."

America has everything, why should they want us.

George Harrison Quotes: "The microscopes that magnified the tears, studied warts and all. Still life flows on."

The microscopes that magnified the tears, studied warts and all. Still life flows on.

George Harrison Quotes: "Vrndavana is one of the holiest cities in India. Everyone, everywhere, chants Hare Krishna. It was my most fantastic experience."

Vrndavana is one of the holiest cities in India. Everyone, everywhere, chants Hare Krishna. It was my most fantastic experience.

George Harrison Quotes: "I'm pessimistic about the future of the planet. These big guys don't realize for everything they do, there's a reaction. You have to pay. That's karma."

I'm pessimistic about the future of the planet. These big guys don't realize for everything they do, there's a reaction. You have to pay. That's karma.

George Harrison Quotes: "If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there"

If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there

George Harrison Quotes: "what would you call this haircut?"arthur."

what would you call this haircut?"arthur.

George Harrison Quotes: "Give me loveGive me loveGive me peace on earthGive me lightGive me lifeKeep me free from birthGive me hopeHelp me cope, with this heavy loadTrying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul"

Give me loveGive me loveGive me peace on earthGive me lightGive me lifeKeep me free from birthGive me hopeHelp me cope, with this heavy loadTrying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul

George Harrison Quotes: "I'm sitting here doing nothing but ageing while my guitar gently weeps"

I'm sitting here doing nothing but ageing while my guitar gently weeps

George Harrison Quotes: "I'll tell you one thing for sure: once you get to the point where you're actually doing things for truth's sake, then nobody can ever touch you again because you're harmonizing with a greater power."

I'll tell you one thing for sure: once you get to the point where you're actually doing things for truth's sake, then nobody can ever touch you again because you're harmonizing with a greater power.

George Harrison Quotes: "To the best of my knowledge, none of the Beatles can read music."

To the best of my knowledge, none of the Beatles can read music.

George Harrison Quotes: "I play a little guitar, write a few tunes, make a few movies, but none of that's really me. The real me is something else."

I play a little guitar, write a few tunes, make a few movies, but none of that's really me. The real me is something else.

George Harrison Quotes: "I'm really quite simple. I plant flowers and watch them grow... I stay at home and watch the river flow."

I'm really quite simple. I plant flowers and watch them grow... I stay at home and watch the river flow.