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David Foster Quotes

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David Foster Quotes: "every failure is also a victory."

every failure is also a victory.

David Foster Quotes: "I had four hundred thousand pages of continental philosophy and lit theory in my head. And by God, I was going to use it to prove to him that I was smarter than he was."

I had four hundred thousand pages of continental philosophy and lit theory in my head. And by God, I was going to use it to prove to him that I was smarter than he was.

David Foster Quotes: "...morning is the soul's night."

...morning is the soul's night.

David Foster Quotes: "There are no choices without personal freedom, Buckeroo. It's not us who are dead inside. These things you find so weak and contemptible in us - these are just the hazards of being free."

There are no choices without personal freedom, Buckeroo. It's not us who are dead inside. These things you find so weak and contemptible in us - these are just the hazards of being free.

David Foster Quotes: "There are secrets within secrets, though--always."

There are secrets within secrets, though--always.

David Foster Quotes: "Beauty is not the goal of competitive sports, but high-level sports are a prime venue for the expression of human beauty."

Beauty is not the goal of competitive sports, but high-level sports are a prime venue for the expression of human beauty.

David Foster Quotes: "Words and a book and a belief that the world is words."

Words and a book and a belief that the world is words.

David Foster Quotes: "My bones are ringing the way sometimes people say their ears are ringing, I'm so tired."

My bones are ringing the way sometimes people say their ears are ringing, I'm so tired.

David Foster Quotes: "Not that that mystical stuff's necessarily true: The only thing that's capital-T true is that you get to decide how you're going to try to see it."

Not that that mystical stuff's necessarily true: The only thing that's capital-T true is that you get to decide how you're going to try to see it.

David Foster Quotes: "Do this: hate him for me after I die. I beg you. Dying request."

Do this: hate him for me after I die. I beg you. Dying request.

David Foster Quotes: "He knew what the Beats know and what the great tennis player knows, son: learn to do nothing, with your whole head and body, and everything will be done by what's around you."

He knew what the Beats know and what the great tennis player knows, son: learn to do nothing, with your whole head and body, and everything will be done by what's around you.

David Foster Quotes: "The individual's right to pursue his own vision of the best ration of pleasure to pain: utterly sacrosanct."

The individual's right to pursue his own vision of the best ration of pleasure to pain: utterly sacrosanct.

David Foster Quotes: "‎Who would die for this chance to be fed this death of pleasure with spoons, in their warm homes, alone, unmoving?"

‎Who would die for this chance to be fed this death of pleasure with spoons, in their warm homes, alone, unmoving?

David Foster Quotes: "....basically the sort of guy who looks entirely at home in sockless white loafers and a mint-green knit shirt from Lacoste."

....basically the sort of guy who looks entirely at home in sockless white loafers and a mint-green knit shirt from Lacoste.

David Foster Quotes: "If you've never wept and want to, have a child."

If you've never wept and want to, have a child.

David Foster Quotes: "The first time I lay actual eyes on the real David Lynch on the set of his movie, he's peeing on a tree...Mr. David Lynch, a prodigious coffee drinker, apparently pees hard and often."

The first time I lay actual eyes on the real David Lynch on the set of his movie, he's peeing on a tree...Mr. David Lynch, a prodigious coffee drinker, apparently pees hard and often.

David Foster Quotes: "Do not underestimate objects."

Do not underestimate objects.

David Foster Quotes: "We will, of course, without hesitation use art to parody, ridicule, debunk, or criticize ideologies."

We will, of course, without hesitation use art to parody, ridicule, debunk, or criticize ideologies.

David Foster Quotes: "So yo then man what's your story?"

So yo then man what's your story?

David Foster Quotes: "It's probably hard to feel any sort of Romantic spiritual connection to nature when you have to make your living from it."

It's probably hard to feel any sort of Romantic spiritual connection to nature when you have to make your living from it.

David Foster Quotes: "This is nourishing, redemptive we become less alone inside."

This is nourishing, redemptive we become less alone inside.

David Foster Quotes: "I have filled 3 Mead notebooks trying to figure out whether it was Them or Just Me."

I have filled 3 Mead notebooks trying to figure out whether it was Them or Just Me.

David Foster Quotes: "There's good self-consciousness, and then there's toxic, paralyzing, raped-by-psychic-Bedouins self-consciousness."

There's good self-consciousness, and then there's toxic, paralyzing, raped-by-psychic-Bedouins self-consciousness.

David Foster Quotes: "I find in myself a need to get very away."

I find in myself a need to get very away.

David Foster Quotes: "You have decided being scared is caused mostly by thinking."

You have decided being scared is caused mostly by thinking.

David Foster Quotes: "TV's "real" agenda is to be "liked," because if you like what you're seeing, you'll stay tuned. TV is completely unabashed about this; it's its sole raison."

TV's "real" agenda is to be "liked," because if you like what you're seeing, you'll stay tuned. TV is completely unabashed about this; it's its sole raison.

David Foster Quotes: "God, what a ghastly enterprise to be in, though-and what an odd way to achieve success. I'm an exhibitionist who wants to hide, but is unsuccessful at hiding; therefore, somehow I succeed."

God, what a ghastly enterprise to be in, though-and what an odd way to achieve success. I'm an exhibitionist who wants to hide, but is unsuccessful at hiding; therefore, somehow I succeed.

David Foster Quotes: "Dostoevski informs everybody; or he ought to."

Dostoevski informs everybody; or he ought to.

David Foster Quotes: "He suddenly felt nothing, or rather Nothing, a pre-tornadic stillness of zero sensation, as if he were the very space he occupied."

He suddenly felt nothing, or rather Nothing, a pre-tornadic stillness of zero sensation, as if he were the very space he occupied.

David Foster Quotes: "Entertainment provides relief. Art provokes engagement."

Entertainment provides relief. Art provokes engagement.

David Foster Quotes: "She had a brainy girls discomfort about her own beauty and its effects on folks."

She had a brainy girls discomfort about her own beauty and its effects on folks.

David Foster Quotes: "If Realism called it like it saw it, Metafiction simply called it as it saw itself seeing itself see it."

If Realism called it like it saw it, Metafiction simply called it as it saw itself seeing itself see it.

David Foster Quotes: "She wanted only tall smooth bottles whose labels spoke of Proof."

She wanted only tall smooth bottles whose labels spoke of Proof.

David Foster Quotes: "That it is statistically easier for low-IQ people to kick an addiction than it is for high-IQ people...That boring activities become, perversely, much less boring if you concentrate intently on them."

That it is statistically easier for low-IQ people to kick an addiction than it is for high-IQ people...That boring activities become, perversely, much less boring if you concentrate intently on them.

David Foster Quotes: "You are what you love. No? You are, completely and only, what you would die for without, as you say, the thinking twice."

You are what you love. No? You are, completely and only, what you would die for without, as you say, the thinking twice.

David Foster Quotes: "Say the whole point of love is to try to get your fingers through the holes in the lover's mask. To get some kind of hold on the mask, and who cares how you do it."

Say the whole point of love is to try to get your fingers through the holes in the lover's mask. To get some kind of hold on the mask, and who cares how you do it.

David Foster Quotes: "She took a sort of abject pride in her mecilessness toward herself."

She took a sort of abject pride in her mecilessness toward herself.

David Foster Quotes: "And when he came to, he was flat on his back on the beach in the freezing sand, and it was raining out of a low sky, and the tide was way out."

And when he came to, he was flat on his back on the beach in the freezing sand, and it was raining out of a low sky, and the tide was way out.

David Foster Quotes: "Please learn the pragmatics of expressing fear: sometimes words that seem to express really invoke. This can be tricky."

Please learn the pragmatics of expressing fear: sometimes words that seem to express really invoke. This can be tricky.

David Foster Quotes: "sarcasm and jokes were often the bottle in which clinical depressives sent out their most plangent screams for someone to care and help them."

sarcasm and jokes were often the bottle in which clinical depressives sent out their most plangent screams for someone to care and help them.

David Foster Quotes: "Dieting makes me want to murder everyone around me."

Dieting makes me want to murder everyone around me.

David Foster Quotes: "One paradox of professional writing is that books written solely for money and/or acclaim will almost never be good enough to garner either."

One paradox of professional writing is that books written solely for money and/or acclaim will almost never be good enough to garner either.

David Foster Quotes: "American experience seems to suggest that people are virtually unlimited in their need to give themselves away, on various levels. Some just prefer to do it in secret."

American experience seems to suggest that people are virtually unlimited in their need to give themselves away, on various levels. Some just prefer to do it in secret.

David Foster Quotes: "You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn't. You get to decide what to worship."

You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn't. You get to decide what to worship.

David Foster Quotes: "I knew my limitations and the limitations of the courts I played on, and adjusted thusly. I was at my best in bad conditions."

I knew my limitations and the limitations of the courts I played on, and adjusted thusly. I was at my best in bad conditions.

David Foster Quotes: "I like the fans’ sound at night. Do you? It’s like somebody big far away goes like: it’sOKit’sOKit’sOKit’sOK, over and over. From very far away."

I like the fans’ sound at night. Do you? It’s like somebody big far away goes like: it’sOKit’sOKit’sOKit’sOK, over and over. From very far away.

David Foster Quotes: "The other half is to dramatize the fact that we still "are" human beings, now. Or can be."

The other half is to dramatize the fact that we still "are" human beings, now. Or can be.

David Foster Quotes: "That what appears to be egoism so often isn't."

That what appears to be egoism so often isn't.

David Foster Quotes: "So which is the lie? Hard or soft? Silence or time?"

So which is the lie? Hard or soft? Silence or time?