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Anthony Bourdain Quotes

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Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "My tastes in what I eat at home would be very familiar to most people who cook for families. I just organize those things a little bit differently."

My tastes in what I eat at home would be very familiar to most people who cook for families. I just organize those things a little bit differently.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I'm really happy to see the explosion of interest in Korean food, and this hybrid Korean-American food."

I'm really happy to see the explosion of interest in Korean food, and this hybrid Korean-American food.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "When do you stop to de-douche?"

When do you stop to de-douche?

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "Is there a sharper commentary on American culture and the world than The Simpsons?"

Is there a sharper commentary on American culture and the world than The Simpsons?

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "Sometimes the greatest meals on vacations are the ones you find when Plan A falls through."

Sometimes the greatest meals on vacations are the ones you find when Plan A falls through.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I think as a moral question, restaurant workers should get paid more."

I think as a moral question, restaurant workers should get paid more.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "My family is very far from normal."

My family is very far from normal.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I think it's a universal truth that most chefs I know are happiest eating simple, unadorned good things."

I think it's a universal truth that most chefs I know are happiest eating simple, unadorned good things.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "In my house, neither my wife nor my daughter are impressed that I'm on television, and they remind me of that frequently."

In my house, neither my wife nor my daughter are impressed that I'm on television, and they remind me of that frequently.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "People everywhere have been very, very good to me, whether I'm with or without cameras."

People everywhere have been very, very good to me, whether I'm with or without cameras.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "When I cook, I generally stick with what I know, what I'm comfortable with, and what I feel I've paid my dues learning, and am good at."

When I cook, I generally stick with what I know, what I'm comfortable with, and what I feel I've paid my dues learning, and am good at.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I like telling stories, and I tell stories that interest me. It would be boring to have to go to nothing but the best restaurants. That would be a misery to me."

I like telling stories, and I tell stories that interest me. It would be boring to have to go to nothing but the best restaurants. That would be a misery to me.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I eat strategically. If I know I'm having a big Chinese banquet tomorrow, I'm not eating a big dinner tonight, and I'm not having breakfast."

I eat strategically. If I know I'm having a big Chinese banquet tomorrow, I'm not eating a big dinner tonight, and I'm not having breakfast.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I think there's a tendency to over-jack and over-umami food these days."

I think there's a tendency to over-jack and over-umami food these days.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I could do nothing but Brooklyn shows for the rest of my career, and I could die ignorant."

I could do nothing but Brooklyn shows for the rest of my career, and I could die ignorant.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "It's not normal, what I do. Just being on television isn't."

It's not normal, what I do. Just being on television isn't.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I love bacon, but I don't think we need it on everything."

I love bacon, but I don't think we need it on everything.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I'm away 250 days a year. It's a tough situation."

I'm away 250 days a year. It's a tough situation.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I learned a long time ago that trying to micromanage the perfect vacation is always a disaster. That leads to terrible times."

I learned a long time ago that trying to micromanage the perfect vacation is always a disaster. That leads to terrible times.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I do my very best to avoid shark fin."

I do my very best to avoid shark fin.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I wish I could play bass like Larry Graham or Bootsy Collins. My God, I'd give up just about everything else for that."

I wish I could play bass like Larry Graham or Bootsy Collins. My God, I'd give up just about everything else for that.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "If you get an opportunity to work with David Simon, anybody with good taste would."

If you get an opportunity to work with David Simon, anybody with good taste would.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I wasn't that great a chef, and I don't think I'm that great a writer."

I wasn't that great a chef, and I don't think I'm that great a writer.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I like the fact that Melbourne always seems to support their chefs and promote them in ways I find really admirable."

I like the fact that Melbourne always seems to support their chefs and promote them in ways I find really admirable.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "Chefs are fond of hyperbole, so they can certainly talk that way. But on the whole, I think they probably have a more open mind than most people."

Chefs are fond of hyperbole, so they can certainly talk that way. But on the whole, I think they probably have a more open mind than most people.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I'd never done anything useful as far as my writing."

I'd never done anything useful as far as my writing.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "Drugs didn't work out too well for me."

Drugs didn't work out too well for me.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I'm of a generation that romanticizes and maybe even over-romanticized things that were painful, that hurt others. I feel that. But I don't know if I have any regrets."

I'm of a generation that romanticizes and maybe even over-romanticized things that were painful, that hurt others. I feel that. But I don't know if I have any regrets.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "If people are working only rice and beans for much of their diet, it says something."

If people are working only rice and beans for much of their diet, it says something.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I wanted it to look like real cooking in someone's real home or just so out-of-there bizarre that it would be fun."

I wanted it to look like real cooking in someone's real home or just so out-of-there bizarre that it would be fun.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "My love of soft, runny cheese - it's impossible to resist."

My love of soft, runny cheese - it's impossible to resist.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "A good, stinky French cheese or a good Stilton. These are things I really, really love. Dessert I can obviously live without."

A good, stinky French cheese or a good Stilton. These are things I really, really love. Dessert I can obviously live without.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "The ingredients of a hamburger seldom vary. It's a percentage of fat to lean meat, add salt and prepare and that's it. It shouldn't need a recipe."

The ingredients of a hamburger seldom vary. It's a percentage of fat to lean meat, add salt and prepare and that's it. It shouldn't need a recipe.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "A burger is something anyone can do, just follow the rules."

A burger is something anyone can do, just follow the rules.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "At the end of a dinner at my house, my kitchen sink is filled with dishes and there's nothing pretty about the garbage."

At the end of a dinner at my house, my kitchen sink is filled with dishes and there's nothing pretty about the garbage.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "The cookbooks I value the most in my collection are the ones where you hear the author's voice and point-of-view in every recipe."

The cookbooks I value the most in my collection are the ones where you hear the author's voice and point-of-view in every recipe.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "You'd have a hard time finding anything better than Barcelona for food, as far as being a hub. Given a choice between Barcelona and San Sebastian to die in, I'd probably want to die in San Sebastian."

You'd have a hard time finding anything better than Barcelona for food, as far as being a hub. Given a choice between Barcelona and San Sebastian to die in, I'd probably want to die in San Sebastian.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I managed to reach a depth of self-loathing that usually takes a night of drinking to achieve."

I managed to reach a depth of self-loathing that usually takes a night of drinking to achieve.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "When I was writing 'Kitchen Confidential,' I was in my 40s, I had never paid rent on time, I was 10 years behind on my taxes, I had never owned my own furniture or a car."

When I was writing 'Kitchen Confidential,' I was in my 40s, I had never paid rent on time, I was 10 years behind on my taxes, I had never owned my own furniture or a car.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I'd like to play bass like Bootsy Collins. I'm serious. That would be my dream."

I'd like to play bass like Bootsy Collins. I'm serious. That would be my dream.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I'm not besotted with the notion of being on CNN to the point that I'm going to suddenly morph into Anderson Cooper or Christiane Amanpour. I'm not a foreign correspondent."

I'm not besotted with the notion of being on CNN to the point that I'm going to suddenly morph into Anderson Cooper or Christiane Amanpour. I'm not a foreign correspondent.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I need the anesthetic qualities of the local fire water."

I need the anesthetic qualities of the local fire water.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I'm a guy who should not have a lot of free time. But when it comes to vacation, I like to pull the plug completely. It's all about my daughter - I'm no longer the star of my own movie."

I'm a guy who should not have a lot of free time. But when it comes to vacation, I like to pull the plug completely. It's all about my daughter - I'm no longer the star of my own movie.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "It's that show Friends. Ruined coffee forever."

It's that show Friends. Ruined coffee forever.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "New Orleans is a glorious mutation"

New Orleans is a glorious mutation

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "It's been about a week without alcohol of any kind. I'm enjoying my new, clean-living lifestyle."

It's been about a week without alcohol of any kind. I'm enjoying my new, clean-living lifestyle.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "You dropped a 500-seat deuce on Times Square."

You dropped a 500-seat deuce on Times Square.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I could eat bloody Elvis - if you put enough vinegar on him."

I could eat bloody Elvis - if you put enough vinegar on him.

Anthony Bourdain Quotes: "I am a delightfully evangelical guy about things I love. I am that annoying guy who sits everyone down and forces them to read some book I like. I'm looking across the full spectrum of genres."

I am a delightfully evangelical guy about things I love. I am that annoying guy who sits everyone down and forces them to read some book I like. I'm looking across the full spectrum of genres.