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Motivational J.R.R Tolkien Quotes and Sayings

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: November 22, 2021


Motivational J.R.R Tolkien Quotes and Sayings

In this article, we present to you some of the famous J.R.R Tolkien Quotes on Love, Death, Education, Life and More with their meaning.

J.R.R Tolkien has made a name in the world of Fantasy that fiction cannot forget. Tolkien was a writer, philosopher, poet, Philologist, and even a cryptographer. In 2008, The Times magazine ranked him sixth on a list of The 50 greatest British writers since 1945. And Forbes ranked him the fifth top-earning dead celebrity in 2009! There's nothing wrong to say that Tolkien's work, 'The Lord of the Rings and 'The hobbit', has forever changed fiction and no other like Tolkien.

Tolkien was on 3rd January 1982 in England. Due to exposure to sensible parenthood, Tolkien turned out to be a very bright child. He was able to read at the age of four and would write at the age of six! However, Tolkien's childhood was not all rainbows. He lost his beloved mother at 12 and was soon sent to King Edward's School after that. In 1909, Tolkien met Edith Bratt, who had later become his wife. Before turning into a writer, Tolkien was a Teacher who would teach at the University of Leeds and was called to serve in the war later, where he worked as a cryptographer. At the age of 82, Tolkien died and was buried near the grave of his wife Edith who had died 21 months ago. His work is still popular, and his unfinished work has forever left a kind of mysterious curiosity and remorse in the world of literature. Below are some of the best J.R.R Tolkien Quotes.

It's the job that's never started as takes the longest to finish.

Procrastination is an obstacle that takes the longest to overcome. It is an innate quality of a human being that makes him or her procrastinate. A task that is started is far better than a task that is just thought upon.

A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a shortcut to meet it.

Every human has his fears and phobias. But humans can never dodge this fear completely. Somehow, we eventually have to face our fears. We may feel that we have entirely avoided the thing we're afraid of, but we later find this untrue.

And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many.

This is a short extract from one of Tolkien's novels. He says that his characters' love was so very strong that they did not fear being watched or did not fear being caught, and they showed affection openly, fearful of nothing.

The wide world is all about you: you can fence yourselves in, but you cannot for ever fence it out.

The world is a place full of different kinds of people and places. However, sometimes we are so isolated and detached from the outer world that it becomes our comfort zone not to face them. But Tolkien says that not forever can we avoid the outer world, one day or another, we have to face it.

It is useless to meet revenge with revenge; it will heal nothing.

Sometimes anger and grudges develop a deep need for revenge in us. And it keeps us angry till we finally avenge, but revenge never gives us the happiness we wanted. Revenge comes from a deep place of hatred, and such feelings can never lead to happiness. Thus, no one wins when revenge is taken, but everyone loses peace.

Continue reading some of the best J.R.R Tolkien Quotes...

I will not walk backward in life.

The past may feel familiar sometimes. And that's why people keep returning to their past sometimes. Sometimes they return to the same place where they have lost it. But this does no one any good. Thus the writer swears to never walk backwards in life.

Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

Every person that we meet makes an impact on our life. Some people teach us lessons, and some people are themselves lessons. But irrespective of age, gender, and beliefs, even the smallest thing can impact us that can potentially change the entire course of our life.

Darkness must pass, A new day will come, And when the sun shines, It will shine out the clearer

It is famously said that 'the darker the night, the closer the dawn'. It means that no matter how difficult the situation is, it will always turn around, and there is hope. Sometimes the difficult situation feels like a trap, but only after the night does the dawn strike.

Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.

In a world full of stories, some stories are never known to us. They're unknown stories no one will ever lend an ear to. But these stories, irrespective of their audience, are beautiful. These stories of bravery and valour are touching, even if no one ever praises them.

Courage is found in unlikely places

Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations, and our destination seems far off. We feel doomed, and our hopes start to leave us. However, just one thought or goal gets us going again. Sometimes we find hope in the very places that we had found Courage.

Few more J.R.R Tolkien Quotes....

Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens. 

It takes faith is something to do great things. Be it faith in ourselves or ultimate power, faith is essential to keep us determined. But one who has no faith gives up when the situation is bad. Without faith, a man is nothing but a coward.

Maybe you can't have what you want in this instance. It's frustrating, I get it. But that doesn't mean you won't ever get it.

To achieve something great, we need hard work, but more importantly, er need patience. Due to lack of patience do people lose in life. In this fast-moving world, we need everything right now. But great things also require time. It's frustrating not to have what you want right now, but you will eventually get it if you dedicate your time to it.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

Time is the most precious resource we've been given for free. Even if you have everything you ever wanted and did not have time for, it doesn't matter. There's nothing more precious than time. So with this precious resource, we have a decision to make on how to use it.

There's some good in the world that worth fighting for.

Goodness is a thing worth fighting for. In a world where hatred, violence, and heinous crimes are everywhere, goodness is what we require. And sometimes we may lose everything in fighting for the good, but sometimes it is all worth it in the end. No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly. The human heart contains fears and negativity that pull us back. Our inner self sometimes pulls us back, telling us it is not worth it or you're not strong enough to do so. But when we see the path of goodness, we must choose that very path, for that very path will take us to happiness, peace, and goodness.

Some more J.R.R Tolkien Quotes...

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.

Humans often value money, property, luxury over goodness. Tolkien feels that if instead, we valued our food and our songs and simple things of life in such a manner, then we would live far better and happier lives.

There is nothing like looking if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look.

As simple as it may seem, we do not usually look hard enough or feel that negativity and give up. To find something, we have to simply look. But the key is to simply not give up and keep looking for the things we want.

Fantasy is a higher form of Art, indeed the most nearly pure form, and so (when achieved) the most potent.

Art is subjective. But according to Tolkien, probably the purest form of art is the one that the artist entirely imagines. Simply put, pure imagination is pure art. However, this type of pure imagination must be achieved to get the purest form of art.

A story must be told or there'll be no story, yet it is the untold stories that are the most moving. 

Some stories are the ones we forever remain unaware of. We remain obscure to the most beautiful of stories. However, it is untold stories that forever encompass the juice of art in them. There's nothing more enigmatic and mysterious than an untold story.

Human stories are practically always about one thing, aren't they? Death. The inevitability of death. 

Death weighs upon the human heart like a burden. We often ignore the fact that we are all going to die. No matter how famous, happy or miserable we get, we are always going to die. And maybe if we look closely enough, all the stories we are told are about the eventuality of death hidden in them.


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