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Iconic Billie Eilish Quotes and Sayings

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: August 26, 2021


Iconic Billie Eilish Quotes and Sayings

In this article, we present to you some of the famous Billie Eilish Quotes on Money, Love, Life, Music, Media and More with their meaning.

Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O' Connell, popularly known as Billie Eilish, was born on 18 December 2001 in Los Angeles, California. An American singer-songwriter, Billie Eilish, has accomplished a lot at the young age of 19 years. She rose to fame when she released her song "Ocean Eyes" on SoundCloud in November 2015. The song was written, produced, and mixed by her brother Finneas O'Connell. He often accompanies Eilish at her live shows, and they perform together. The song was later released by the Interscope Records subsidiary Darkroom as well. She is known for her songs in the musical genres of Pop, electro-pop, and dark pop. 

Her mother, Maggie Baird (a teacher, screenwriter, actress, and construction worker), and father, Patrick O'Connell (a part-time actor), both are, amateur musicians. She and Finneas started learning the basics of songwriting from their mother.

Billie Eilish is an animal rights advocate on social media. She was raised as a vegetarian and became a vegan in 2014. She has supported veganism. She has criticized the animal-products based industries (dairy, wool, mink fur). She won a PETA award (Best Voice for Animals) in 2019 for raising her voice in this issue.

She has received several awards and honors. She has won five Grammy Awards, two American Music Awards, one Brit Award, three MTV Video Music Awards, and two Guinness World Records. She is the second person in history to win the four main categories in Grammy Awards in the same year, and that too at such a young age. The categories are Best New Artist, Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Album of the Year (for her Debut studio Album - When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?).

Here are some of the best Billie Eilish Quotes.

I don't know how to function without music. When I'm not making it, I'm listening to it. It gives me courage and takes care of my mind.

The quotes of Billie Eilish are quite easy to understand as she belongs to the present generation. Her quotes are mostly about the issues the youth faces at present, social injustices around the globe, or other global problems such as Climate Change, etc. This quote talks about her love for music, which is obvious, as she is a genius musician. She says that she cannot function without music, which means that her daily life is incomplete without music, and that is how essential it is for her. She further elaborates on this and says that she is listening to it if she is not working on producing any songs. She stays connected to music in some or another way. This brings peace and courage to her like most of us. Music soothes, relaxes, and often tends to people in ways that no therapy could ever do. Music is therapy, and it helps our mind to stay in balance, as Billie says here.

I go through a lot of depression, and I know other people do, too, but I have an outlet that so many people don't. If you have that inside of you and can't get it out, what do you do?

There is nothing unusual about the above quote. A majority of the world's population go through some sort of mental illness, be it anxiety, depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders, etc. It is said that today's teens who have just entered the 'adult-club' might have had suicidal thoughts once in their lifetime, and it is sad to say that many of them end their lives due to the burden or problems they faced and those which seem unbearable to them. Billie Eilish spoke out in public that she has faced depression a lot many times in her life. She further says that many other people also face the darkness and trauma that is related to depression. She mentions the pitiable state of a person going through depression and specifically speaks about the situation wherein a person experiences trauma and depression all alone, and he or she cannot even share what they are going through with anyone around. And that I must say that is the worst situation ever.

I never thought a career as a musician was possible.

People often reflect on their journeys once they have reached a milestone in their careers or any other area in their lives, and all the hard work that they have put in through the years starts to bear fruit. It seems that Billie Eilish is doing the same thing here. She is a highly successful musician at such a young age, and it is quite normal for her to state that she never thought that she would be doing what she is doing at present. She says that she could not believe that a career as a musician was possible as all things seem difficult and unachievable when one just starts doing it. Time, patience, perseverance, hard work in the right direction, dedication, etc., however, change this scenario where everything seems impossible into a place where the mind is at peace with the amount of work the person did to fulfill his dreams.

I've always done whatever I want and always been exactly who I am.

A person cannot be successful until he or she is given the time, space, and opportunity to follow his heart and chase his dreams. A person cannot do the tasks that he does not want to do. We cannot force or expect anyone to do a particular task wholeheartedly if he or she has no interest in it. Billie Eilish says that she has done the things she has always wanted to do. That is possibly one of the several reasons behind her success. She puts her heart and soul into the music she makes, and that is why it is well received by the masses. She also says that she has been keeping it real since she began her journey as a singer and songwriter, and that is possibly the reason why millions of people love her and connect with her.

In the public eye, girls and women with strong perspectives are hated. If you're a girl with an opinion, people just hate you. There are still people who are afraid of successful women, and that's so lame

In this quote, Billie Eilish talks about the deep-rooted problems with our society when a woman is denied to go after her dreams in several instances. Bold and independent women are a threat to such an orthodox mentality of society. Society often does not want women to be independent and contribute to nation-building. Nevertheless, today's women are fighting for their rights and emerging as winners in every field of life.

Nothing really scares me, to be honest.

Billie Eilish says that she is not afraid of anything. This saying can have a lot of meanings if looked at from different perspectives. It seems that when she says that nothing scares her, she is mainly talking about the career aspect of her life. She is a confident, hard-working individual who has come so far due to her dedication and creativity. In that context, we can agree that nothing scares her. In general, all humans do have their fears which they need to overcome continuously. Nonetheless, she is an American star who has achieved so much due to her efforts, and she can say that nothing scares her. We do see a shade of her bravery in her attempts to raise awareness about animal rights and several other issues. She is an inspiration to millions of people worldwide. She is a youth icon and gives people the hope to follow their dreams.

Continue reading some of the best Billie Eilish Quotes...

Sometimes it's flattering when people copy you, but sometimes it gets to a breaking point.

It is not easy to be a public figure in any part of the world. It has its pros and cons. A person in the limelight has to deal with both to rise as a star. Once you become famous, that is not when everything becomes easy for the person. On the contrary, it is just the beginning of one's constant struggle to maintain that position or rather to reach greater heights. When a lot of people follow you, it can be very intimidating at first, but with time a person is bound to get affected by it. Billie Eilish describes a similar situation here, where she likes being followed by a huge number of people, but at times it can be very expensive for the peace of mind of an individual.

I don't belong to anyone, but everybody knows my name.

Billie Eilish says that a lot of people know and follow her, but not all of them are among those with whom she might feel at home. She mentions here that although she is a popular figure worldwide still, she does not belong to all of those places and people.

I feel like I write so that people can think of it as theirs. If my song is exactly about your life right now, then it is. I don't even want to say that it's mine, because it's yours.

A musician connects with their audience via their soothing and relatable music. Billie Eilish says that she writes her songs so that people can connect and relate to them as if it is a song written specifically for them, and cherish that musical treat as a means to escape from the harsh truths of daily life. She says that all her songs are also her audiences' as they love it wholeheartedly, which is so important for any musician that people truly appreciate your music.

Few more Billie Eilish Quotes...

I've always been a singer. I never really decided I was gonna be a singer. It just kind of – I just sing a lot.

Billie Eilish is trying to say that she never decided that she would pursue music as her career, but rather it is something that she has been doing all her life, and that she was meant to do it. 

What makes a song last is real content from a mind that is thinking a little bit harder about certain things. A lot of artists don't really think that hard.

We gain some insights on songwriting from the musician. She says that only those songs do well and are remembered for long times to come, which are original and have their origin in a person's mind who thought long and focused on things with an eye full of creativity. Such songs are the result of people's real experiences combined with beats and rhythm; these things make it raw, real, radiant, and worth remembering. The artists, who do not think deeply, often do not connect with their audiences on a higher level. 

You can write a song about being in love with someone, but you don't have to be in love with anyone.

Human beings have the gift of imagination. They can imagine and gain almost a real-life experience of situations they never encountered in life. Billie Eilish says that a person doesn't need to be in love with someone to write a song about love. The concept of love is in everyone's mind, and that is enough for one to ponder about it and write a song on it based on their observations of the world around them.

If I'm inspired to make a certain kind of song, I'm going to make that kind of song, no matter if it's what they know me as or think I am.

Billie Eilish says that she would listen to her inner-calling when creating songs and reject all of the world's opinions about her based on her songs.

Time is kind of an amazing thing because you can do so much with it. I think people underestimate time… I don't want to just sit on my phone for hours.

Billie Eilish is a highly successful musician. It is not just the fact that she is successful but also the fact that so many people look up to her for inspiration. She did not become a star overnight. She invested her time, energy, and soul into it to establish her career at an age when most teens are busy playing games on their phones and watching movies, aimlessly. Here, she states the importance of time and also that she does not like wasting it by just spending hours with the mobile phone.

Some more Billie Eilish Quotes...

People have so much going on in their heads. I'm like, if you could write a song, you'd feel so much better.

Many times artists channelize their pain, trauma, and troubles into creative expression of some sort. Billie Eilish also says that people would feel better if they spent their energy doing something productive such as writing a song!

Words are more powerful than some noises. Noises won't last long. Lyrics are so important, and people don't realize that.

Lyrics are the backbone of any song. You will not have a song without the vocals, with just the beats and tunes. Some songs have lyrics with such deep meaning that they touch the listener's heart and leave an impact on them. Hence, the musician must take care that the lyrics are mostly uplifting and provide the person with hope and light, seeking the things while taking refuge in music.

I play piano and ukulele and I taught myself those things just because I wanted to play them.

Billie Eilish mentions the fact that she learned to play certain instruments on her own as she wished to play them. This reflects her true passion and dedication to music. If a person truly wishes to be good at something, then they can be good at it!

I just wish you could feel what you say.

These lines hold a deep meaning. We all pretend to be happy and show that we are living our best lives in front of the world; however, this is not true. If this were to be true, most people in the world would not be dealing with mental health problems. Billie Eilish makes a poignant statement where she wishes that people would feel what they say, which means that they are happy if they say so, and vice versa.

I don't really get nervous that much, or if I do; only I know. It's all inside me. I am good at hiding everything.

We all are experts at hiding our emotions from people around us for various reasons. The American singing sensation says that she is good at it too.

It's rare for anyone to value the opinions of a teenage girl.

Billie Eilish is an inspiration for women and girls alike. She went after her dreams, and now the world loves her. In a society where women's opinions are overlooked, she is an example of a woman who fought for her dreams and worked hard to get to the place where she is today – heard and seen. I think that she thought about these things that exist in our society and hence, said that she is loved across the globe and her opinions are valued, which is a rare phenomenon and a moment worth cherishing as moments like these pave the way for other women to experience such respect and warmth from the world.


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