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Beautiful David Bowie Quotes to Inspire You

Written by QuotesLyfe | Updated on: August 16, 2021


Beautiful David Bowie Quotes to Inspire You

In this article, we present to you some of the famous David Bowie Quotes on Life, Love, Songs, Death and More with their meaning.

David Robert Jones, also known as David Bowie, was born on 8th January 1947 in Brixton, London, England. He was a famous English actor and songwriter. He was one of the most popular and talented musicians of the 20th century.

Elvis Presley hugely inspired Bowie. Bowie had a keen interest in arts, music, and design. His mother gifted him a Grafton Saxophone as he was highly interested in modern jazz. At the age of 15, he formed his band for the first time in 1962. He left and formed several other bands. He released his first album in 1967.

In 1967, he composed 'Over the Wall We Go', which went for Oscar that year. 'Space Oddity' reached the top 5 list in the UK. Bowie played guitar, baritone saxophones, viola, synthesizers, harmonica. Thumb piano, drums.

His videos won about six Grammy Awards and four Brit Awards. He became the Commander of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. He is one of the best-selling artists.

A statue of Bowie is erected in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in 2018. He died at 69 because of liver cancer on 10th January 2016. Bowie was cremated in New Jersey. 

Some of the famous David Bowie quotes are as follows.

I don't know where I'm going from here, but I promise it won't be boring.

Bowie says that he doesn't know where he is going and what is his destination, but he promises that it won't be boring. One should never get bothered by his destination. He should enjoy each moment of his life. He should enjoy his journey as well.

I'm an instant star. Just add water and stir.

Everyone should always be ready for opportunities. He should always be prepared for everything. Opportunities are unpredictable. We never know what the right time is. So, whenever any opportunity comes, you should make the most of it.

I felt I really wanted to back off from music completely and just work within the visual arts in some way. I started painting quite passionately at that time.

Art is art, no matter in what form you are doing it. If you feel like writing, write; if you want to dance, dance; if you want to sing; sing. No matter which forms you use to express yourself, art is the best way to express oneself.

I'm just an individual who doesn't feel that I need to have somebody qualify my work in any particular way. I'm working for me.

Nobody can tell you what you are or who you are. When you try to get an opinion about yourself from others and seek validations from others, you never get satisfied. When you know your worth, and you don't let other's opinions be heavy on you, you lead a life worth living.

Frankly, I mean, sometimes the interpretations I've seen on some of the songs that I've written are a lot more interesting than the input that I put in.

Bowie says that he has made some songs with a different idea about it in his mind but when it was released, people came up with different interpretations. Bowie found those different perspectives of people about his songs quite fascinating.

I'm always amazed that people take what I say seriously. I don't even take what I am seriously.

Bowie was a very humble man, and this quote by him justifies the statement mentioned above brilliantly. He says that he doesn't even take himself seriously, but people often take his words a lot more seriously.

Continue reading some of the best David Bowie quotes...

The truth is of course is that there is no journey. We are arriving and departing all at the same time.

There is no journey. We are leaving a place and getting on in some other. We are doing something and then leaving it to do something else. We are always in a cycle of arrival and departure. We don't have a place to reach and stop there for our whole life.

I'm not a prophet or a stone aged man, just a mortal with potential of a superman. I'm living on.

We are not something different. All of us are humans, and we are not any stone-aged man or any prophet. All of us have tremendous potentials to do anything or be whatever we wish to be. We are capable of doing wonders.

But I'm pretty good with collaborative thinking. I work well with other people.

Teamwork and coordination are very important to be successful in life. One can never be successful if he is not open to other's opinions and ideas. One should always hear from others and think of himself too and then try to decide in life.

I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human. I felt very puny as a human. I thought, 'Fuck that. I want to be a superhuman.

One should always try to do something big, something more in life. If you get satisfied with whatever you have, you can never achieve anything big in life. You should be your only competitor, and you should always try to do better than before in every aspect and try to escape the ordinary.

Fame itself... doesn't really afford you anything more than a good seat in a restaurant.

Fame is always hyped about, but it is nothing other than a mere imaginative bubble. Fame can only give you a little bit of recognition and nothing but a nice seat in a restaurant or a special discount on something. It can never give you lifelong self-satisfaction.

Few more David Bowie quotes...

As you get older, the questions come down to about two or three. How long? And what do I do with the time I've got left?

When you grow old, you do not think much about everything. You are mainly concerned with how long it will take to complete something and what you will do in your leisure time. You only think about time and whether to use it or just not.

I feel confident imposing change on myself. It's a lot more fun progressing than looking back. That's why I need to throw curveballs.

Change is the only constant in life. One should never fear change rather, accept it gracefully. He should learn to grow and move on in life. Progression is fun, and one should not stop changing for the better.

Sometimes you stumble across a few chords that put you in a reflective place.

Sometimes one writes his heart out and make it a song or a poem. This helps in expressing oneself. It helps them to tell things way more easily than they actually can. The piece of writing becomes the reflection of their thoughts.

There, in the chords and melodies, is everything I want to say. The words just jolly it along. It's always been my way of expressing what, for me, is inexpressible by any other means.

Music is the most appropriate way to express oneself. There is no such emotion that cannot be expressed through music. Music can express anything and everything.

That's the shock: All cliches are true. The years really do speed by. Life really is as short as they tell you it is. And there really is a God - so do I buy that one? If all the other cliches are true... Hell, don't pose me that one.

If you believe in every cliches, then the existence of God is true as well. If you believe that life is short when someone tells you so, you should also believe that God exists and there is a supreme power dictating our actions.

As an adolescent, I was painfully shy, withdrawn. I didn't really have the nerve to sing my songs on stage, and nobody else was doing them. I decided to do them in disguise so that I didn't have to go through the humiliation of going on stage and being myself.

We often fear doing someone because we care too much about what others will think about us. We think that if we go wrong, they will make fun of us, and we have to face all those weird repercussions.

Some more David Bowie quotes...

I suppose for me as an artist it wasn't always just about expressing my work; I really wanted, more than anything else, to contribute in some way to the culture that I was living in. It just seemed like a challenge to move it a little bit towards the way I thought it might be interesting to go.

Art is not about just expressing yourself; it is not only about you rather, but art should also contribute to your culture as well. Contributing to culture should be our aim too. When we try to add something to our own culture, we become selfless; we do it for a greater number of people in the society.

I don't see any boundaries between any of the art forms. I think they all inter-relate completely.

Art, no matter in what form, are interlinked. Art is about expressing oneself. Whatever style or whichever form you choose to express yourself, all of it are considered art.

Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming.

You can only make the most out of your day when you have plans for tomorrow. When you strategize how to utilize time and are aware of your future, and have a clear vision of it, we conquer each day.


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